Monday, January 30, 2017


Professional motherhood is great in a lot of ways.  But goodness, it's lonely.

It seems nearly impossible to find anyone that is actually in my same season of life.
I meet lots of wonderful middle aged folks.
Lots of wonderful peers who don't have children.
Lots of mothers with small children who work outside the home.

And maybe this is low self-esteem talking, but none of these people can possibly really want me in their life.
With me comes two messy, loud, funny little boys.
A definite schedule of being in my home during nap time, every day.
The truth that I will fall asleep on the couch by 9 pm (if you're lucky.)
A 30-year-old who wants to be treated as an equal adult, not like your psuedo-children that you are "helping get a start in life."
A mom who wants to talk about anything other than her job of raising children, but can't for the life of her stop talking about them.

People can't possibly fit all of that into their hearts, can they?

And I've met lovely people recently.  People who are very kind and friendly and welcoming (we moved six months ago) and even say things like, "We should get together for coffee/dinner/board games some time!"

I have never actually gotten together with any of these people.
They never actually went the next step of making plans.
Which means the suggestion was just a nicety.

Surely, out here in the wide world of the internet, there are other mothers who feel lonely.  And that is why I'm writing and recording.

Let me assure you, there are more of us!
This is the beauty of the internet.  Though it has its share of mom-shaming and political saturation and "perfect" life comparisons that leave you feeling irritated and down on yourself, it also has community - if you can find it.

Leave a comment.
Watch a video.
Visit the Facebook page and post.
This is your official invitation to join me for coffee!  Right now, today.  You will get a response.   I can relate - so can lots of others.

Let's stop being lonely.

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